"Mild cultivation" is an umbrella of processes and control systems that is practiced at all stages of production through continuous monitoring by specialized personnel and is supported by advanced technology.
Procedures include
Universal use of drip irrigation and micro-sprinklers to save irrigation water.

Continuous soil analysis and only targeted use of fertilizers. Application of green-fertilization to reduce the use of nitrogen fertilizers, reduce nitrates in products and improve soil quality.
Plant protection
Crops are grown in greenhouses and nethouses with the aim, inter alia, of reducing insect infestations and reducing the use of plant protection products. Extensive use of biological protective materials. Continuous monitoring of crops and only targeted plant protection applications. System for collection, drying and ecological removal of plant protection products is used in order to reduce the burden on the soil, drainage ditches and subsoil.

Crop rotation
Alternation of species on the fields in order to maintain soil quality and productivity, reduce soil diseases of the plants and reduce the need for plant protection applications.
Installation of photovoltaic energy production system on the roofs of buildings (net-metering), with the aim of reducing electricity consumption.

All packing materials are 100% recyclable.