Mr. Antonis Vezyroglou, although very busy with the farm and the sales of his company, found some time and answered the questions of VEZY TV.

VEZY TV: Mr. Vezyroglou, as we see in the structure of the farm, special importance is given to greenhouse production. In fact, new greenhouses are being built today.
What is the construction program and what is the total size of the Greenhouse area?
Antonis Vezyroglou: Indeed, in 2019 we are constructing 3 new hectares of Greenhouses. We can say that every year we increase the greenhouse area. Until 2015, about 2 hectares were built. In 2016, 1 new hectare. In 2017, 2 new hectares and in 2018 another 2 hectares were built.
Today, the Vezyroglou Farm owns more than 10 hectares of Greenhouses.
VEZY TV: What do you cultivate in them?
Antonis Vezyroglou: In our greenhouses we cultivate all the baby leaves of our range of products!
VEZY TV: You grow also in nethouses and open fields tens of hectares more. What are the advantages of Greenhouses and why do you need this large unit?
Antonis Vezyroglou: Greenhouses have the following advantages:
• They allow production during the winter months with frost and snow outside
• They allow for better control of production in terms of climatic conditions, and therefore better quality of products
• They ensure more production as the crop is protected

VEZY TV: What is your future goal in relation to the construction of new greenhouses and the cultivation of new species in them?
Antonis Vezyroglou: There is a plan for further expansion of the greenhouse area which depends on the increase in demand for our salads. The most immediate plan (for winter 2020-21) is another 3 hectares.
As for the new species, we are in a period of many trials of new varieties and new species, in order to settle on some new species that we will produce in the coming years.
This of course will be influenced by the market research we conduct in order to see what innovative salads the Greek market really needs.

VEZY TV: How many tons of products are produced in Greenhouses?
Antonis Vezyroglou: In 10+ hectares of greenhouses we produce over 600 tons of baby leaves per year.